
The Commonline Journal is permanently closed to submissions 
What to Submit
Poetry: Limit 4 poems per author. Discourse: (essay, non-fiction pieces, review, interview, literary criticism, human interest profiles, etc..) Limit 4000 words. Visuals: (photographs, cartoons, paintings, illustrations, and the like are all considered) Send links to online portfolios or limit 4 images.

Editors approach all unsolicited submissions with an open mind, but the selection process is naturally subjective and potentially impalpable. For poetry we lean toward low to medium-diction free-verse that is dramatic, graphic and succinct. We like defamiliarization, alliteration, suggestive imagery, colorful wordplay, nonsense, and surprises. Rhyme or none. As always, it's a good idea to read our already published manuscripts before submitting.

How to Submit
1. Read the Author Agreement   
2. Title the subject line of your submission in the form "Poetry Submission - Your Name"
3. Send manuscripts in the body of an e-mail, as a .DOC or an .RTF file.  
4. Include a biography of 400 words or less (optional)
What to Expect
The Commonline Journal reviews all manuscripts that adhere to the above guidelines, publishes a small fraction or the work it receives, and responds only to authors of submissions accepted for publication. Response time for accepted submissions may be 3-4 months. The Commonline Journal does not offer criticism or rejections of submissions to authors, except in rare cases.  In turn, the journal maintains an open submissions policy. We have no submission deadlines, simultaneous submissions are encouraged, and we're always reading for future issues. We publish new material quarterly and archive in numbered issues according to season and year. By submitting your work to The Commonline Journal you're certifying that you've read and agree to our Author Agreement.

Send all submissions to: commonlinejournal [at] hotmail [dot] com.