Her legs stretched wide open
And the devil’s poison spilled from between.
Tired and worn out was her heart.
His lust keeps licking away at those bones
Whenever the dollars are shown
And when the ally isn’t as dark.
She has been placed in Hell’s pawn shop,
On the top shelf, next to the many masks
that Mayors, Governors and Presidents wear
Their sins left in an ashtray filled with troubles,
All genuine adoration stolen,
No ransoms are issued,
And Satan keeps buying these lives.
Millions of dollars worth of manipulation,
Up in flames goes the ambiguous
Until, at last, exhausted, sensitivity wakes
from confusion wearing a hospital band
on its arm. On the inside scars still fight
themselves. And, little by little, wrapped
in clothing with wrinkles and blood stains,
Miles from stairways and pearly gates,
She becomes, indeed, a reflection of us all.
Growing Prostitution
The Poet: Montavis Mooring is a 20 year old budding wordsmith, poet and writer from Gaffney, South Carolina. He is a junior at Allen University and is pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in English with a concentration in Professional Writing. This is his first publication.
The Artist: Dr. Ernest Williamson III has published poetry and visual art in over 400 national and international online and print journals. Some of Dr. Williamson's visual art and/or poetry has been published in journals representing over 40 colleges and universities around the world. His poetry has been nominated three times for the Best of the Net Award. Visit Dr. Williamson's website: www.yessy.com/budicegenius