The Darkness |
by Ronojoy Ghosh‏

How dark is darkness?
Has it any measure, any value?
Is it the ultimate or can darker things exist?
These questions disturb me every night.

We can see light, but not the dark,
What is beyond it, we do not know,
You come to me every night, the same way,
Yet very strange, very unknown to me,
And this close and mystic presence tempts me every time.

For all the years I have known you,
You are a vast continuum that is present everywhere,
In all places in or out of the world, sometimes dominating,
Sometimes overpowered by the light.
They say you have no power, but I believe you have the most,
You are the creator of hallucinations, ghosts, horror and spirit.

They say you are the mother of all misdoings,
They say you are full of fear and despair,
I say you are a beauty on which the nature rests, just like the light,
You help people feel their surrounding and be a part of it,
You help us to think, to innovate, to see things the way the eyes cannot,
You help us gain self confidence, to walk with eyes closed,

You are the light to every people's life.

Ronojoy Ghosh‏ is a 23-year-old old student from Kolkata, India, just out of college with a B-Tech degree and has been serving an IT company for the past 4 months.