I am the wind
a caramel sunset over
peppermint trees
the glowing blue ocean
seen from space
the last perfectly green
leaf before autumn
I am the wave crashing on
the ivory sand
the glowing leaves of
the morning song from
the sparrow
the warmth of the moon
I am also the old car yelling
the rat crossing the
kitchen floor
the slaughterer of cows
the maker of bombs
I am the one who often
doesn’t know
the one who regrets
a lot
the one who seeks
the one who is not
satisfied yet
I am the hurricane
the tidal wave
the gunshot
the silent explosion
I am as you are
and we all are
looking at the window
and trying to get the
to go out the door
and be part of what
I can see.
Brenton Booth resides in Sydney, Australia. Other work of his has recently appeared in 3:AM Magazine, Thunder Sandwich, Dead Snakes, Yellow Mama, The Mindless Muse, Underground Voices, Storm Cycle, and Dogzplot.