Scattered: Configurations
Of Matter In Time And Space
- poetry by Doug Draime

Scattered: Configurations 
Of Matter In Time And Space

Scattered in the pouch of a cross-eyed kangaroo at the Lincoln Park Zoo
Scattered across the melting sands of time
Scattered unrecognizable by those no one knows or wants to know
Scattered for the sake of the mass gathering of betrayal’s blades
Scattered on the balcony by jacking off voyeurs calling themselves lovers

Scattered in wheat fields by drunken CEO’s of unbelievably corrupt corporations
Scattered on the desks of detectives in the Missing Persons department
Scattered inside coffins in little Italy stuffed with homemade sausages
Scattered in dusty, mournful, crowded rooms of those who think they are alive
Scattered in the words of unread suicide notes

Scattered among the ruins of disillusioned illusions and other tricks of ancient mind
Scattered by beautiful and suntanned naked women wearing NY baseball caps
Scattered on the banks of deadly industrial waste streams, where nothing can live
Scattered like confectionary sugar over the unmarked graves in Nam and Iraq
Scattered in the brain cells of memory in an Alzheimer trance

Scattered without any rhyme, reason. or compassionate order
Scattered down the first base line at Dodger Stadium in a pouring thunder storm
Scattered and mixed in with the star dust in the reeking gutters of desolation row
Scattered and diseased in the smoldering ovens at Buchenwald
Scattered outside the walls of Jericho

Scattered in the men’s room at a bomb making plant next to McDonalds
Scattered in the humor and dissident barbs of a George Carlin routine
Scattered in all the movies that play reel to reel in our minds, lifetime after lifetime
Scattered in the dust and elitism of City Lights bookstore
Scattered in the pumping air and striving of the human heart

Doug Draime (1943-2015) emerged as a presence in the 'underground' literary movement in the late1960's in Los Angeles, California. A Senior Literary Editor for The Commonline Journal, Draime's books include: Knox County (Kendra Steiner Editions) and Los Angeles Terminal (Covert Press), Boulevards Of Oblivion (Tainted Coffee Press), Farrago Soup (Coatlism Press), and More Than The Alley (Interior Noise Press). Draime was awarded PEN grants in 1987 and 1992. Born in Vincennes, Indiana, Draime lived in the foothills of Oregon since the early 1980's until his death in 2015.