Piss in the urinal
crack in the tile
drunk love on the walls
with black felt pen
Who brings felt pens to a place like this?
A place like this is no place for a pen like that
and these MARK WAS HERE’s
in the back of these artistic assailants heads
in the morning? First coffee, first step
Was MARY IS A SLUT a plan?
Was it the truth?
Where was Mary?
Is she single?
I’m drunk.
I quickly and quietly
scratch "FUCK YOU ALL"
with my key
in the paint on the wall
and head gracefully back to my table
Piss in the urinal
crack in the tile
drunk love on the walls
with black felt pen
Who brings felt pens to a place like this?
A place like this is no place for a pen like that
and these MARK WAS HERE’s
in the back of these artistic assailants heads
in the morning? First coffee, first step
Was MARY IS A SLUT a plan?
Was it the truth?
Where was Mary?
Is she single?
I’m drunk.
I quickly and quietly
scratch "FUCK YOU ALL"
with my key
in the paint on the wall
and head gracefully back to my table
I heard from a friend tonight
that in Montreal
there is this bagel shop
that Leonard Cohen goes to often
and if you’re there
and you see him
you can say
and he will talk to you
because he’s just like that
if you’re a young girl
be careful
even though he’s in his seventies
he will still want you to be his lover
and he’ll point towards his house
like he’s never done so before
and i will not sleep
like i should
until his pastel face
is on a canadian five dollar bill
grinnng at me
like he fucked my good friends mother
because he did