The Empty Page
Meet me at the empty page – There
We will enjoy all the wanton fantasy
Lazy minds can create.
There will be no sweat. Just stare,
Zen-like at the page with no nuance, free of meaning.
Meet me at the empty page.
Because my soul is empty- or more likely emptied.
Imagine the page filled with words
Full of explicit meaning…
Carrying a story for the ages. Or
Better yet, imagine a page that
Like my mind, is emptied of meaning.
I stare. But I intended. I had a story to tell.
So I intended. Made notes even.
Intended but emptied --- just happened.
Meet me at the empty page.
And if you are my friend, admire it.
It is my achievement. This emptied page.
Takes all my strength to sit and stare…
Feel blanked out story…
Redacted for my protection. The story is still there
Erase the redactions...expose my soul.
But then let me edit and create the final redaction—
-with more words than the page can hold.
Raymond Thomas was born in Guyana. He received his PhD in Chemistry at Texas A&M and now works in industry. He resides in Lockport, NY where he enjoys the four seasons, writes short stories and poetry.