The Bartender |
by Phillip Larrea

“Gin and tonic please,”
He says to me.
Though I know it well
By his dollars that flutter
Like fallen leaves to my gutter,
That trough we ‘tenders call ‘the well’.

This glass before me like his brain.
Ice cubes the cells that remain
With gaps good Gordon fills.
Tonic that whispers and bubbles;
Jokes making light of his troubles-
While I keep and eye on his bills.

Phillip Larrea is a syndicated columnist and wealth adviser in Sacramento, CA, USA. His poems have recently appeared internationally in Outburst Magazine, The Poetry Bus Magazine and thefirstcut #7 from Issuu. In the US, Phillop has been recently published in Decade Review, FourPlay, Nostrovia To Writing, and the Brooklyn Voice.