Job Centre 2 |
by Marc Carver

"Look here is a job."
"Okay, oh i can email them what a shame i cannot do it here."
"Oh they are doing it soon, they do it down at the salvation army."
"Great i will get down there, may get a free cup of tea too."
"Yes, i think you will."
"I am not too sure where it is?"
She told me.
"Is it like a soup kitchen, maybe i can get a free meal down there."
"No nothing like that but you can use the internet."
I walked out
and headed the other way.

Marc Carver has published six books of poetry and works as an editor for a site in New York. He has had about three hundred poems published around the world but most of all he hopes people enjoy his work and it inspires them to pick up the pen and turn the tv off.