Issue #002 - Summer 2007

The Commonline Journal Interview: Spoken Word Poet Anis Mojgni - Joseph Osel
The Commonline Journal Interview: Cult Writer Tony O'Neill - Jesper Sydhagen

Taylor's Fourteenth Summer - Fiction by Lloyd Hudson Frye
The First Loss - Fiction by Erin Monroe
When Loneliness Must Not be Shared with Children - Fiction by V. Inglis
Esfand - Fiction by Vida Djaghouri

Men of Good Fortune - Tony O'Neill
3 Poems - Suchoon Mo
Bible and Cracked Oil Pans & Mother Theresa's Dildos - Rob Plath
The American Way - DB Cox
Two Deaths - Luis Cuauhtemoc Berroizabal 
Way Out - Zoe Alexandra
I Figured I Was Gone for Good & Wife's Cousin - Justin Hyde
Be Careful of Hispanic Women in Bars & What's You Learn in College - Justin Hyde
3 Poems - Noah Kaplowitz
October 15th in a Greasy Spoon - Allison Shoemaker
Philosophy Can't Teach Everything & Happens - Eddie Kilowatt
Soy Mysterioso - Khadija Anderson
A Second Chance - Cindy Truong
I've got knives in my eyes, I'm going home sick - Richard Wink
Astral Plane: After Kafka's Metamorphosis & Graffiti Souls Under the Moon - Ruth E. Dominguez
Blame Game - Fiction by Preston Picus
Snails and Clouds - Misti Rainwater-Lites
Untitled - Russell Jacobs
I Fucked a Poet - Ben Mason
Dictionary - Dustin Orin Talley
Expelling Angels(s) - Zachary C. Bush
Criticism: 5 Pieces - Joseph Riippi
A Fitting Tragedy (still life with cigarette) - Julie Forbush
Intonation of a Scream - Isaac J. Coleman