Poetry by Peycho Kanev |

Bless My Way

I am snarling face in the darkness.
I am clock without hands,
showing the right time.
The stillness absorbs the screams.
Stones shake loose in the tombs.
The ghost of Villon weeps,
the creature creeps toward the sun.
Lay down and wait like an animal,
like a king within the grave,
like a woman for its prey.
Hell is right here – embrace it.
It will come,
soon or later.
and when it does
when it does…
there is only one way -

Peycho Kanev’s work has been published or is forthcoming in Poetry Quarterly, Welter, Ann Arbor Review, The Shine Journal, The 13th Warrior Review, Mascara Literary Review, The Arava ReviewThe Mayo Review, Windmills, The Aroostook Review, Chiron Review, Tonopah ReviewMad Swirl, In Posse Review, 322 Review, Naugatuck River Review, The Houston Literary Review and many others. He is nominated for Pushcart Award and lives in Chicago. His collaborative collection "r", containing poetry by him and Felino Soriano, as well as photography from Duane Locke and Edward Wells II is available at Amazon.com. His new poetry collection “Bone Silence” will be published in September 2010 by Desperanto, New York.