by Geordie de BoeR


means being on
the same page,
as though reading
with slow learners,
or learning from
a sage with one
message, or being
a part of the club
and beaten mute
by a person in
a clean green
suit, always in
a pristine suit.

Right Response

A nudge in the ribs,
or just a word,
makes them over-budge,
so to speak,
makes them absurdly
angry, show their
meaner streak; or,
hold their hatred
close to the heart,
so when you
start to express hope
you get a depressing
retort in return.
Turn the other cheek
means Shoot them
the moon, full,
no quarter.

-Geordie de Boer, a rambler and writer of fiction and poetry, lives in Washington State. He has been published most recently by Leaf Garden, Bird’s Eye reView, PANK and Right Hand Pointing. Visit him at Cockeyed Fits.