2 Poems by Melanie Browne |

Good Price on brand new AK47

I know it’s late
and Elvis has
already left
the building
which I’m pretty
sure is an expression
which means he
went out
to track a
Woolly Mammoth
wearing an
inadequate coat
I just found
a good price
on a brand
new AK47
my brother
tells me
it would be
an excellent


Some trees are raging alcoholics

angry at the sky
pissing themselves,
thinking impure

Yet it is
For them
To attend

Some trees
are anti-social
and unbending,
always trying to
wrap their head
this, that,
or the other,

a feeling of
when the
axe hits
their listless


Melanie Browne's poetry has appeared in various online journals including Madswirl and Gloom Cupboard. Her first Chapbook, Heaven is a Giant Pawn Shop is available from Erbacce Press and has been reviewed in the Summer 2009 - Issue 101 of CommonLine. She is a co-editor at Leaf Garden Press.